2.5 Recognize and understand the administration of the following file transfer protocols and concepts
o S/FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
o Blind FTP (File Transfer Protocol) / Anonymous
o File Sharing
o Vulnerabilities
o Packet Sniffing
FTP is the File Transfer Protocol that works on the application layer (layer 7). It transfers data on ports 20 and 21. However, it sends the username, password, and data in cleartext where they are vulnerable.
S/FTP, or secure FTP is a more secure method of file transfer, as in adds encryption.
Blind FTP
Blind FTP is an anonymous version of FTP where anyone can transfer files. Of course, this is very insecure and should not be allowed. If it is necessary, the software should be updated frequently and monitored for exploits.
Vulnerabilities By default, nothing is encrypted. This leaves it vulnerable to sniffing attacks where attackers can find your username and password.